Feature Release... Emerging Incident Detection

AI Automation for Customer Support

Instantly and precisely Triage, Enrich, Route, and Resolve common support requests at a fraction of the cost and time.

Integrate & execute sophisticated CS workflows across all your systems.

Give your agents more bandwidth to focus on complex customer issues.

And more!
  • 50%

    Repurpose Time to Deeper Customer Needs

    Automate over 50% of total support volume

  • 4X

    Scale Smarter

    Handle 4X your current volume with no additional cost

  • 99.9%

    Meet Speed & Accuracy SLAs

    Respond to customers in seconds, close tickets in minutes

Our Customers Love Us

Guaranteed ROI Within 90 Days

How It Works

Y Meadows AI customer service helps fast-growing companies scale their customer support through increased process efficiency and automation, not additional headcount.

Y Meadows’ AI automation solution seamlessly integrates within your customer service environment so you can trigger it on every ticket, automatically gather relevant information from internal systems, draft personalized customer responses, and resolve requests with zero human intervention.

What Can You Automate?

Where Does It Fit?

How the Automation Works

Triage | Prioritize | Tag | Route
Understanding the intent, urgency, & frustration regardless of phrasing
Proactive Alerting through Trend Analysis
Early Detection & Notification of Emerging Issues
Case Enrichment & Automated Resolution
Automated info extraction from Knowledge Base and systems

Automated human-like responses
Integrate & Execute Sophisticated CS Workflows Across All Your Systems
Integrate with all your internal and external systems.

Create cross platform workflows

What Can You Automate?

Where Does It Fit?

How the Automation Works

Emerging Incident Detection

What if… the detection, notification, and ticket handling of emerging issues were done for you instantly, automatically, and accurately?

Meet Emerging Incident Detection – this automated approach empowers support teams to spot potential emerging incidents, enabling them to address widespread problems more effectively than ever before.

Listen to What Our Customers Have to Say

Y Meadows was built on the core belief that customer satisfaction is the most important aspect of running a successful business. Take a look at some real stories from Y Meadows’ customers.

OpenTable seats more than 1 billion diners each year!
OpenTable Testimonial

We save hundreds of hours every month with Y Meadows.

Robert Proctor
Sr. Director, Driver & Asset Services

Y Meadows handles our routine work. It is key to our scaling strategy.

Tyler Stewart
Head of Customer Support
SambaSafety monitors risk for over 3 million drivers
OpenTable Testimonial

Robotic Ticket Automation

Y Meadows customer service AI interprets written messages using NLP and machine learning technology to determine what your customer needs, then takes action in one of three ways:

1. Analyze a Message

Y Meadows' AI for customer support supercharges any message or ticketing system. Once the connection is established, incoming messages are picked up for automated analysis and action.

Try out a live example!

  • Attendant Complaint
  • Lost Luggage
  • Missing Points
  • Other
Pro Tip: try editing the message to test the accuracy of the model

Y Meadows analyzes incoming messages and predicts the INTENT (the reason the customer is reaching out), then automates the resolution using a customizable workflow you define!

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Try out a live example!

  • Attendant Complaint
    Lost Luggage
    Missing Points


  • 0



  • 0



    Sentiment Analysis identifies the customer's anger level and can be used to help escalate ticket resolution

AI isn't perfect out-of-the-box, which is why Y Meadows continually trains its models based on your interactions with the system. Still not confident? Add a human-in-the-loop REVIEW step!

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Run Your Workflow

Every workflow starts with a SOURCE step that defines the connection type and message retrieval interval


The REQUEST step allows integration with popular third-party vendors or even your own internal systems

Check Order Status

The REVIEW step adds an optional human-in-the-loop approval process for those times you need 100% accuracy

Send for
Manual Review

An EXIT step terminates the automated workflow, but the final outcome is still in your control!

Exit Journey

Choose the next step in the workflow

Click Me

Choose the next step in the workflow

Update Ticket with Note

Choose the next step in the workflow

Check Customer Fraud Score

Choose the next step in the workflow

Reply to Customer

Congrats! You’ve completed your first automated RESOLUTION. Now it's time to enjoy the time you saved!

Journey Completed!

Review Process for 100% Accuracy

Keep the training wheels on with a human-in-the-loop approval process. The Y Meadows review feature educates and empowers agents to make informed decisions before any action is taken.


End-to-End Ticket Resolution

Set up fully automated journey workflows to resolve virtually any routine customer support ticket.

Built for Enterprise

This is the era of SaaS 2.0 -- a modern architecture built on the advances made in containers, container orchestration, and server-less technology. Y Meadows has been architected from its foundation to take full advantage of these technological advancements and deliver complete customer service automation.

Still Have Questions?

Schedule an appointment to see how Y Meadows AI customer service can work for you.

Book A Meeting
Sign-up to speak with one of our agents.