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From Chaos to Control: How AI Turns Customer Support into a Well-Oiled Machine

Explore how AI transforms chaotic support environments into organized, efficient systems, enabling companies to deliver better service.

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How AI is the Key to Making Customers Feel Like VIPs

Discover how AI is transforming customer service, making every customer feel like a VIP through personalized interactions, 24/7 support, & emotional insights.

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Transforming CX Trends into Tangible Business Benefits

It's one thing to be aware of the latest consumer trends, but the real value lies in effectively implementing them.

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The 2024 CX Landscape: Navigating Through AI Innovation

In an era where technological advancement is relentless, the realm of CX stands on the cusp of a revolution, primarily driven by artificial intelligence (AI).

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The Power of Alignment: A Deep Dive into the CX-EX Fusion Trend

Organizations are recognizing the interconnected relationship between Customer Experience (CX) and Employee Experience (EX), integrating them into one strategy.

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How GPT-4 Is Revolutionizing Customer Service

You may have heard of GPT-4, but did you know that it's actively being used by support teams to automatically resolve customer requests?

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The ROUTE To Your Customer's Heart

Ticket routing is one process that many businesses fail to get right. Read more to learn about automated ticket routing for customer support.

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Addressing The Needs of Agents To Boost Morale

As employee empowerment becomes more widespread, agents are demanding more from their employers. Read more on how to better meet the needs of your employees.

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The High Cost of Low Morale

Did you know low morale costs American businesses up to $550 billion dollars a year due to lost productivity?

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Zero-Shot Learning for Emotion Detection

Learn about a new, novel approach to ED which relies on Natural Language Inference (NLI), a Natural Language Processing task.

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Leveraging AI To Advance Customer Service

What if using artificial intelligence in customer service can help to deliver more human experiences than what humans can do?

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The Changing Landscape Of Ticketing Systems

Ticketing system providers have stepped it up in terms of offering better customer service. Read more to learn about top trends in support ticketing systems.

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