
The Competitive Advantages Of Using A Ticketing System

Suppose you're an experienced customer service professional or a top-level executive who knows the ins and outs of how customer service divisions work. In that case, you already know that when a customer service agent tells a customer who obviously has some problem that they have to look into their issue more deeply and will follow up shortly, they aren't really rushing to solve the problem. Instead, after they finish the call or live chat, they immediately begin to text or talk with the next client in line with an issue with the company's product or service. 

Now, if you're someone who's not a part of the customer service industry, you probably have one fundamental question on your mind, and rightfully so—How does this madness work? Fortunately, there's a method to control and manage this "madness" successfully." The customer service agent probably uses an automated ticketing system that helps them keep track of all their open cases. So, while the agent is listening or reading the next customer's issue or request, at the same time, they are pinging a professional to take a closer look at the previous case. Once the professional updates the open case, the customer service agent will relay that information to the concerned customer via the available ticket. As you can see, a ticketing system creates a highly organized communication system that substantially improves the agent's productivity.

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The following blog post will cover the most significant competitive advantages that using an advanced ticketing system can provide to your business in detail. But, before you start considering adopting a ticketing system, it's essential to know what a ticketing system is and how it works. So, without further ado, here's everything you should know about ticketing systems and how they can help you resolve customer service queries more successfully. 

What Is A Ticketing System And What Does It Do? 

Simply put, a ticketing system is a help desk system that collects all customer support requests from various channels and manages them all from one place. Once they submit their customer service request, the user will receive a service ticket right after submission, which can be used every time the company or user references that particular submission. Or in other words, a ticketing system is a program, software, a tool that permits organizations to resolve customer queries by streamlining and managing the process of issue resolution.

Each ticketing system manages and handles individual tasks called tickets that provide a context of what issue the person requesting them is facing, along with any additional data needed like priority, department, category, etc. This way, the system acts as a single point of contact between the service provider and the customer by converting the received support queries into tickets. Afterward, customer service agents or company experts analyze the issues raised in the tickets to provide the customer with the appropriate solution.

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Why Does Your Business Need One? 

If your company is in the business of providing some service, or you sell respectable quantities of particular products that customers need guidance for, then you want to ensure that your customer service crew will resolve each customer query wholly and efficiently. To do that, you need to incorporate a sophisticated ticketing system and keep track of received and resolved customer service requests to keep the people who make or break your business content with your customer care segment. 

Moreover, ticketing systems can also be very beneficial if your business is in its initial growth stage and only one person handles all incoming customer service requests from users. Such a system will enable your customer service employees to capture and manage requests in a more consistent manner with ease, so they can pay more attention to solving more complex issues. Furthermore, top-class ticketing systems provide transparency of who is working on what and enable effective handoff of issues among the teams and effective scaling. In addition, the metrics and data generated by each ticketing system can prove essential for management in decision making regarding process improvements, staff, managing operational costs, and more. The bottom line is that ticketing systems are way more effective than just email support, will automate the support workflows within your organization, and will make your group of agents more productive. 

Photo from Intelegencia

Nevertheless, before you dive into the market and seek the ticketing system that makes the most sense for your business, you should know that when it comes to delivering the promises as mentioned earlier, many of the basic ticketing systems that prevail in the market can fall short as they’re struggling to meet the ever-changing digital landscape of innovative businesses. 

For instance, nowadays, customers want prompt customer service support, which is where outdated systems might impede. Furthermore, these ticketing systems demand an additional human effort and include switching between screens or tabs to collect relevant data about the customer and issue in question. In addition, conventional ticketing systems build a workflow that demands action on each customer request and might allow your employees to get flooded with tedious, monotonous tasks. All this can prove to be a colossal waste of time and resources for your company, so when selecting a ticketing system for your organization, make sure to go with a solution that follows the latest trends and innovations in the respective field.

Another solution for the above-cited ticketing system concerns lies in artificial intelligence and its subcategories which find themselves on an excellent way to transform the customer service industry once and for all. Machine learning, natural language processing, deep learning, and other technologies of the AI umbrella find numerous applications within the ticketing industry which help organizations overcome the difficulties mentioned above. Y Meadows’ artificial intelligence-powered model can automate traditional ticketing systems, help analyze the data from tickets each day, drive categorization, segmentation, and automated customer support service ticket routing.

Photo from Y Meadows

Now that you know what ticketing systems are, how they work, why your business might need one, and what to seek in the prospective solutions, we are ready to proceed to the central part of this blog post about ticketing systems. Below, we’ll showcase the most notable competitive benefits that a sophisticated ticketing system can provide to your business and how you handle customer requests.  

The Most Notable Competitive Advantages That A Ticketing System Can Offer For Your Business 

Keeping Up With The Constantly Changing Customers’ Expectations 

When a prospective customer contacts a business, the three primary things they expect from the company include a convenient way to reach out, a fast resolution to their issues, and personalized experiences. By incorporating a ticketing system and allowing your customer service agents to access all communications from a single dashboard easily and use the numerous internal functionalities of the system, your business will be able to tame the enormous amount of requests no matter where they come from and treat each client as an individual rather than like just another customer request.

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Because as much as companies would like to be in complete control of the channels customers use for contacting them and the response times, that’s no longer solely their decision to make. With so many choices and so little patience, nowadays, customers are actually the ones who dictate the conditions. And modern-day customers want their answers now and on their preferred channel. Even though this sounds like a significant inconvenience for businesses, it doesn’t mean that your human representatives need to endlessly juggle between multiple channels of support and provide answers right away. A ticketing system powered by Y Meadows AI-powered ticketing solution can help you automatically collect incoming requests from various channels and conveniently lay them all out for easier and faster access. 

Implementing such software can solve two of your biggest problems: clients can use whatever channel they want to interact with your business (live chat, email, messenger, etc.) and receive a timely answer. Then, when there’s no need to switch between channels, the customer service crew can be more organized, focused, and meet customers’ demands on their terms.

Providing Personalized Experiences 

Presently, personalization and hyper-personalization are things that customers adore and value, so we often see them as genuine indicators of how much a particular company values its clients. In fact, according to research, personalized shopping experiences are typically followed by an average increase of over 20% in sales, as eight out of ten customers admit that businesses that offer personalized experiences are more likely to win their business.

And without the help of an automated ticketing system, manually personalizing customer service requests is a mission impossible. For that reason, a ticketing system that comes equipped with sophisticated functionalities that can make it easier to filter and organize customers’ requests can help your company to: 

  • Provide customer support for multiple customer service channels simultaneously; 
  • Give you the possibility to address each customer by their name; 
  • Provide access to purchase and communication history;
  • Generate auto-responses; 
  • Offer customized categories, etc. 

All of this, in one way or another, can help your brand nurture more personal relationships with the customers who are reaching out to get in touch.

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Addressing Customers’ Concerns On A Deeper Level 

Consider the following fact - around 54% of customers said they would rather spend their day wearing wet socks than repeat themselves to customer service representatives. This means that when they reach out to companies for at least the second time, they expect that the companies will already know the context of their communication intent. Modern-day customers don’t want to wait any longer while representatives investigate the issue they’re referring to. 

To address this, a sound ticketing system can equip your support team with detailed information on communication and purchase history and allow your representatives to access all of the most critical data concerning previous interactions with a particular customer. As a result, ticketing systems will help your company get a comprehensive view of each customer inquiry and provide prompt, thorough support, boosting both your customer service quality and customer satisfaction levels.

Improving Your Customer Service Team’s Work

Even though in the previous three parts we’ve been exclusively focused on what a ticketing system can bring to your customers, they are certainly not the only ones who will benefit from the implementation of this customer service tool. After all, what really brings such a positive impact on the customers’ experience is the organization and transparency that the ticketing system will add to the human representatives’ daily routines.

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A sophisticated ticketing system will provide your customer service professionals with everything they need to keep the standards of your service high. Depending on the software you’ll choose, the features can vary from tracking the individual progress of your employees to automations of different phases of your customer service efforts. 

Nevertheless, some of the most important features that are directly related to work efficiency that your future ticketing system should have, include: 

  • Ticketing automation. Many tasks in customer service are dull, repetitive and can be considered a time-theft. A ticketing system that’s powered by Y Meadows’ solution can help you automate most of them and let your employees focus on talking to customers and solving their problems. 
  • Collaboration. One of the crucial features that your future ticketing system should have is to allow you to see the progress of your customer service team and help to better organize the workflows. It means that different representatives can be assigned to different customer service tickets, yet you could always see who’s working on what. 
  • Ticket tags. Tags are necessary for keeping your entire operation more organized. In addition, they can help your business spot ordinary issues that your customers are dealing with every day. 
  • Customizable templates. Customizable templates can make the process of resolving customer issues even faster. As there are many things that are common to many clients, preparing the answers in advance by creating a template is always a good solution. 
  • Internal comments section. The more customer service agents know about the customer, the better they’ll be able to address their problem and fix their issue.

In Conclusion 

Nowadays, customer service is at the forefront of all shopping experiences and is one of the essential aspects that makes a business stand out from its main rivals on the market. And in order to meet the ever-increasing needs and expectations of modern-day customers, companies should implement reliable solutions that can help them deal with the steadily growing demand. 

Ticketing system software is a powerful tool when it comes to managing customer support queries. It not only helps agents to organize their work better, easily browse through tickets, and stay more motivated and focused, but it also provides customers with a better overall experience. Click here and get in touch with our experts to find out how you can give your customers what they want—fast, reliable, and attentive customer support.  


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